



Honest Media Solutions comes along side the individual, team, or business to establish personal pathways curated uniquely to achieve specific goals. Through virtual storytelling, life coaching, leadership trainings and more our goal is to find an honest solution to help you achieve your dreams! 


Life Coaching & Leadership Training

Have you ever felt stuck? Do you need an outside, unbiased perspective to get you motivated on how to figure out your next step? This is where we come in, to help you figure out what you desire, how to get there, and what may be stopping you from fulfilling your dreams! Life Coaching is our passion. Let our passion help you find yours!

Do you host a leadership conference, camp or seminar? Are you interested in having someone connect with your team or organization about working with volunteers, leading their departments, or becoming a leader amongst their peers? Then we would love to collaborate! Each session and opportunity is customizable to fit your needs.


Visual Story Telling

If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine the value on story. As a visual story teller, I remove all of the questioning, second guessing and frustration of bringing your passion online. I invite the millions of online individuals into your niche through content curation, caption creation, engagement and more. This will free you up to focus on what you love, and not get caught up behind a screen.


Gospel Teaching 

To reconcile us all to God the Father, and to one another is. We believe through communicating the inspiring and compelling message of The Gospel, lives can be changed. With experience teaching the Word of God to men and women ranging from Senior Pastors to Jr. Highers we would love to share The Gospel with you and your audience.     


Literary & Media Resources

Honest Media Solutions strongly believes in the power of reconciliation. This section is full of books, movies, tv shows, etc that can be an asset in the process of pursuing racial reconciliation, and understanding your role.

remember The children

Remember the Children exists to bring faith, hope, and love to Romania's forgotten ones. Our mission is to provide holistic faith-based ministry, meeting the core needs of children, their families, and their communities. We desire to communicate the need for global evangelism, equip servant leaders, and inspire vision for impacting Romania & Tanzania.

10% of all proceeds will be donated to the work Remember the Children is doing.