pit stop or detour

That post grad twenty something life isn’t all that its cracked up to be. Sure it can be fun if you don’t have class anymore, and you’ve landed that dream job. Maybe you got married right away, and are continuing down the path you always dreamed you would.
But what if you didn’t
What if you graduated college, or maybe didn’t even go to college and you find yourself aimlessly pursuing after what is next. You apply and apply and apply. You get rejected, denied, and ignored. And that’s when you realize, sometimes life doesn’t look like what we’ve imagined it would.
For me, I came out of my undergrad with a great job that I was passionate about, that also came with a place to live, and essentially a built in community. Working in Residence Life is one of the best jobs in the world I think. However, this job was only a year commitment/opportunity. As that position was winding down, I was offered a job at the church I was/am attending and fell in love ministry. I am currently pursuing my Masters in Leadership and self understanding. The degree in self understanding will never provide me with a paper to frame, but knowing myself…the good, bad, and hard parts is by far the greatest educational experience I will ever have. Therefore, I decided that it was time to leave a life of fulltime ministry for a season in order to finish out my educational journey for the time being.
But what do you do when you walk away from two jobs you love. How do you explain to a new employer that you want to be hired by them, but only for a short season. How do you tell a stranger that the job she is offering you could be a detour to where God is calling you? Well, as hard as it is, honesty. That’s the simple answer. Honesty. Be honest. Don’t hind your dreams and aspirations.
I’ve been at my new job for about 6 weeks now. Its great. The staff is wonderful, hard working, and sarcastic. They talk about food and sports...what else really is there to talk about. My boss, knows where I want to be, and when the job I was praying for, for two years was offered to me this last week I didn’t know what to do. I was asked to apply for a job in Residence Life…remember I loved that job…well, up until this point, I thought the job I had just jumped into at the newspaper was a detour, but I realized it is only a pit stop.  
I have intentionally chosen to slow down. To heal parts of my life that need healing, and to understand myself better. This pit stop, this 9-6 job is exactly what I need in this season. Even though what I long for, the job in Residence Life is what I want now. I need to choose what I want overall, even if that means letting go of good opportunities. In the last few days, I’ve learned a lot. But tonight I want to say this, a good decision is not always the right decision, but the right decision is always a good decision. Sometimes we have to make really hard choices when we decide to pursue our dreams. So tonight I challenge you to stay away from complacency. Don’t allow comfort to control you. Address your fears, acknowledge them, and then keep moving, continuing to seek more out of this life. 


Katrina Spencer