its been awhile

It has been such a long time since I've posted anything, about anything. It has been 7 months since I found myself roaming the streets of Romania, and almost 10 months since I wrote about transitions. 
It's funny how I thought eventually transitions would stop, that I would "figure it out," I would find a stable job, move into a house and stay for awhile. Not move every year, and work at jobs with start and end dates. 
Since the last entry I moved into a cute little house with 2 dear ladies, but I also moved out of that cute little house. I started 2 new jobs, left 1, and started a new one. I made new friends, and lost others. I have shed my fair share of tears and have sought out times of laughter. I've visited the beach more than usual and consumed excessive amounts of tacos, and as always coffee. 


It's been a wild ride, and one that I am still realizing I have no control over. It's a ride that is continually in the hands of our Good Father. The one who I assume laughs every time I think I finally figured it outbecause He knows the plan I dreamed is far to small for the desires He has planned for me. 

I don't know much, but what I do know is this: I get to choose how I respond to this ride, I can decide how I react to the future and how I respond from my past. Every year I select one word. Not a phrase, or bible verse, I don't create a list of resolutions. Just one word that is revealed to me through time of solitude with God. This year, it seems to be a "buzz word" but nonetheless my word for 2016. intention. The definition of intention is the process of healing. It is a step by step journey, or as Christine Caine says, little by little. Each day we take steps, little by little, in one way or another. This year I've decided to take these steps little by little towards healing, towards growth, towards trusting, towards hoping, and towards deeply believing the love of our good good father. In relationships, in work life, in finances. In taking better care of myself, in resting, and on and on. I want to live this year with intention, and wake up each day seeking out more of what God has for me. 

Maybe February has begun and your new years resolutions has faded away. How do you still begin again, and cling to the promises of our Good Good father? hat is your word for the year, and how do you plan to live that out?
