twenty three

Twenty.three. what began as an outrageous adventure continued for the remaining 365 days, and yes it was an additional 365 because #leapyear. Twenty three brought me to 6 countries, 3 different living arrangements, 3 job opportunities, 2 of which i've left and a continual reminder of the 1 God we serve. Twenty three began in Germany and is ending cozied up at a home that has become my oasis over the last year. Twenty three was a year where I allowed myself to question everything. Twenty three was a year of closing doors and sprinting in hallways. Twenty three was filled with unexpected opportunities and exciting moments. Twenty three was filled with building my home team. Twenty three was equal opportunity and disappointment. Twenty three was vulnerability and safety. twenty three was also vulnerability and pain. Twenty three was a year where I learned to be brave, to seek after more of what I want. Twenty three was a year where I willingly engaged in hard conversations and harder conflict. twenty three was a year.

and tomorrow, twenty four will begin. tomorrow, i start a new trip around the sun. tomorrow i get to make decisions that will impact twenty five. tomorrow i get to wake up next to some of my favorite kids and cheer on my favorite baseball team in the championship game. tomorrow i get to spend the day surrounded by people I didn't even know existed when i began year twenty three. so tomorrow may i wake up reminded that although i don't know what twenty four will look like may i be confident in who our God is. may i wake up confident in God's promises. tomorrow, may i wake up and remember that we serve a God who desires to give us more than anything we could ever ask of or imagine. 

twenty three I am more than ready to say goodbye, and to twenty four, a sweet hello.